Competition 4/11/23 - Singles Stableford

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Competition 11/11/23 - Four Ball Stableford

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Competition 18/11/2023 - Fourball Aggregate S'Ford

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Competition 25/11/23 - 4 Man T'm 3 Scores to Count

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Mixed Winter League - 26/11/23

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Competition 2/12/23 - 4 Man Cha-Cha-Cha

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Competition 9/12/23 - Fourball Multipier

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Competition 16/12/23 - 3 Clubs & Putter Odds/Evens

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Competition 23/12/23 - Las Vegas Scamble

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Competition 30/12/23 - Singles Stableford

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Competition 6/1/24 - Fourball Stableford

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Competition 13/1/24 - Fourball Aggregate S'ford

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Competition 27/1/24 - 4 Man Cha-Cha-Cha

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Mixed Winter League - 28/1/24

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Competition 3/2/24 - Fourball Multipler

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Competition 10/2/24 - 3 Clubs & Putter Odds/Evens

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Competition 9/3/2024 - Fourball Aggregate S'Ford

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Competition 16/3/24 - Four Man Team

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Competition 23/3/24 - Las Vegas Scamble

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Competition 30/3/24 - Singles (In place of scheduled competition)

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Competition 13/4/24 - Singles (In place of scheduled competition)

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Course Status
Currently open
10.07.2024 06:49
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Course open
  • Dunham Forest Trophy

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